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Monday, June 25, 2012

Ann Knows Best

I will admit it, I was wrong. The paint colors that I picked out for my bathroom are all wrong because I strayed from my original plan that I posted in the Bathroom Remix.

This all started with just a simple Facebook comment from my friend Ann. She did not think that the colors I had picked out in my Paint Sample Madness post were a good fit for what I had originally planned. After this comment I did some thinking and I realized that she was right. When I picked out the paint samples I was in a rush, so I just picked out a few colors that I thought might work, all the while not thinking of my original vision. I don't think you always have to stick to the plan when it comes to decorating, but you do have to think of how all of the different elements are going to look when you are done. This is where I went wrong. I found a few great colors, but I forgot to envision the final look. There are few lessons that I can take from this experiences:
  1. Plan, plan and more plans.  
  2. If you stray from the plan, take into consideration all of the elements involved. You may have to change other pieces of the design plan in order to make it work. Don't forget the budget, changing one thing could lead to multiple changes down the road. I do realize that there are many of you out there that can decorate without a plan and still come out with something great. I hope to one day achieve this level of greatness, but until then I will stick to my plan.
  3. The importance of paint samples. 
  4. You can't go wrong if you test out a few paint samples. Paint samples are inexpensive, so there is no excuse not test the paint sample. When my husband and I repainted our bedroom we did not test any paint colors and we ended up hating the color. As for my bathroom, I am so glad that I took the time to test out some colors. Clearly I would have gone with the wrong color.
  5. A little help from your friends.
  6. Who better to ask then your friends for a little help. This is a learning experience for me and I am open to any advice or help from my friends. I realized after this experience that it is important to take a step back from what you are doing and listen to other ideas. If I had just ignored Ann's advice, I most likely would have hated the paint color.
With that said, I went out and found a new paint color that I think will work better with my overall vision. Here is the plan I came up with for my bathroom. For all of the details you can check out the post here.

Bathroom plan
My bathroom plan
And here is the new paint color. The color I picked is Behr Opal Silk

Updated paint sample
This color is a better match. Thanks again Ann!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Cute Little Planter

Remember Rusty? If you don't remember you can check out my post on My New Friend Rusty here. Shortly after I decorated my new table I found this cute little planter that would be perfect for a plant.

Tin planter
Cute little planter
Now I will be honest, the original plants that were in this planter died. I like to think that I had nothing to do with their death, but who knows. This time around I wanted to go with low maintenance plants, so I thought succulents would be the way to go. I found this great succulents at Home Depot.

succulent plants
Three little succulent plants
Once I brought these home, I planted them in my tin container and voila!
planter and bottles
Decorative accessories
And here is how it looks all together.
Decorative Table
Decorative Accents