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Sunday, May 6, 2012

May the Fourth Be With You

This past Friday was May 4th, also known as Star Wars Day. The whole idea comes from May the fourth (force) be with you – get it! I am not a die-hard Star Wars fan but in celebration I wanted to showcase some Star Wars themed decorative ideas.

Now that Star Wars is on your mind, let's cue the music (sorry you will have push play).

The music just makes it more exciting.

First things first, when I say decorating in a Star Wars theme, I am not talking about adding a full size stormtrooper to your home. I just mean adding some fun and reasonably sized decorative pieces. Don't get me wrong a life-size stormtrooper would be awesome, but it is not always practical or affordable.

In my search for Star Wars related items, I found that Etsy had just what I was looking for. Here are a few of my favorites. All of the items below can be found on Etsy.

Three star wars art print movie posters
Concepcion Studios Star Wars Art Print Movie Posters

 Check out Concepcion Studios to find these prints. They have some many other cool designs.

Three Star Wars  decorative movie posters
Pure Cow Posters Star Wars Collection

When I found these I thought they would be perfect for the hallway or maybe a game room. Pure Cow Posters developed these fun and creative designs.

Star Wars R2-D2 decorative print
The Geekerie Star Wars Inspired R2D2 Character Portrait
 This one is my favorite. I really like this abstract view of R2-D2. Plus not everyone can pinpoint what this is. Check out The Geekerie to learn more about this unique item.

Star Wars decorative artwork
Noodle Hug Star Wars Print Milennium Falcon and AT-AT

I love the colors on these prints. These designs are from NoodleHug on Esty. These would be great for a kids room.

Of course we can not forget Darth Vader. You may need a change in music for this...


 Now that you are on the dark side, let's check out a few Darth Vader items.

Star Wars Darth Vader Artwork
Left: Noodle Hug - Star Wars Print Darth Vader
Middle: Stay Gold Media - Recycled Vintage Dictionary Page Darth Vader
Right: Brain Storming Session - Star Wars Darth Vader Woodburned Wall Art

Here are three great pieces of Vader. The one of the left is from Noodle Hug. I think this design is mysterious and creepy at the same time. The one in the middle is from Stay Gold Media. I like how this piece uses old books to really create a neat piece of art. Finally the item on the right is from Brain Storming Session. This is a wood burned image of Vader. What makes it even cooler is that is just half of his face, which makes it even more unique. 

Alright Star Wars fans, I hope this post has been helpful. I am only sharing with you a few items, there are a ton of other Star Wars themed items out there. I am sure you can find something that fits your style. 

My goal with this post was to share with you creative ways in which you can showcase the things you love, no matter how crazy or off-the-wall they may be. I really hope this post inspires everyone to show your true colors in your home design. It's all in good fun!


  1. These are really cool! Love the graphics and the idea of making them into actual art ... I really liked the Geekerie Star portrait!

  2. The Geekerie print is the one I like the best too.

  3. The art appeals both to the adult and the children in the house. Will the hall way to bedrooms some color. Great idea.
